Duplicate a column in attendance menu.


If we have the option to duplicate a column of the menu attendance( copying all icons), will not be necessary to do confirming your attendance of the student more than once when the teacher have more than a lesson in the same class.

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Publicado por (Preguntas: 1, Respuestas: 0)
Preguntado en 24 abril, 2016 00:27
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Private answer

Check the Play Store, in the next hours will be available.

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Publicado por (Preguntas: 1, Respuestas: 119)
Respuesta en 26 abril, 2016 21:22
    Private answer

    This feature is already done, in a few days will be published in Play Store.

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    Publicado por (Preguntas: 1, Respuestas: 119)
    Respuesta en 24 abril, 2016 01:30