You have 3 ways to add a student:

  1. Add a new student manually: on the main grades window press boton_plus button. Pick the option “New student“:
  2. Copy an existing student from one group to another: on the main grades window press boton_plus button. Pick the option “Copy existing student“.
  3. Auto import students: this option is to do an auto import from a CSV file (Excel or LibreOffice Calc) . More info at this article.


IMPORTANT: When you delete a student from a group, he/she is not really deleted from the database. He/she is moved to a special group named “–No group--“. So you can reuse the student in future school years. You also can delete the student permanently.

There are 3 ways to delete a student:

  1. Delete a student from the term: this option is used to delete a student just from the current term. To do that just do a long press on the student’s cell, and select the option “Delete student from term” on the contextual menu shown:
  2. Delete a student from the group: this option is used to delete a student from the current group. The student is not deleted from the database, he/she is moved to a special group named “–No group--“. So you can reuse the student in future school years. To do that just do a long press on the student’s cell, and select the option “Delete student from group” on the contextual menu shown:
  3. Delete a student permanently: with this option you delete a student from the database, and all his data. To do the permanent delete, you must delete him from the special group called “–No group“. Follow these steps:
    1. Go to menu -> Class plan
    2. Select the group “–No group–“:
    3. Click on the student to delete:
    4. Press on X to delete him permanently
in First steps