You can quickly create new rubrics with LibreOffice Calc or Excel in your PC, after that you can import the CSV file to Teacher Gradebook. I suggest you to use LibreOffice Calc, it is free and multiplatform, and as good as Excel.
Steps to import rubrics:
- Download this rubric sample to your PC:
- Rubric class participation (rubric_class_participation_csv)
- Edit in your PC the download CSV file. You can use any text editor or LibrOffice Calc or Excel (suggested LibreOffice). This example is saved with UTF8 charset and “;” separator.
- Once edited save it and upload it to your device
- Go to the app, then go to menu -> Academic Settings, o directly from the upper-right icon
- Go to the “GRADE TYPE” tab. Press on “+” button to create a new rubric.
- Edit the rubric by clicking on the button
- Press the “IMPORT” button.
- Pick the CSV file previously copied to your device (“SEARCH FILE” button).
- Press the “Ok” button to finish.